Monday, March 27, 2006

Goods and bads in life

Everything in life happens for something good. Difference is that some people realize it and some don't.. And person who realizes this knows how to life the right way.

Each and every things that happens in life teaches you some lesson that you take it forward and use it. Bad things teaches you something the hard way. Sorrow makes you become tougher and makes you be prepared for next time when it happens and you have the control over it to avoid it. Good things neutralizes it and teaches the meaning of happiness and why we need it.

This, I think is more related to being positive and being optimistic in life. Optimists learn from the bad times and makes the utmost use of it and be successful in life. They pursue their dreams and make it a reality..

Sometimes I feel that I am blessed. God had given me the strength to cope with the hard times and thrive in this world. I would have been broken long time back if I lacked that strength in me.

Good things and bad things are the part of life.. Nobody has all the goods and all the bads.. Life gives you the mixture of both to make your life complete..

That's life!

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